Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Diving Board Diva

Really wishing I had a pool in my backyard lately. This sweltering summer is starting to get to me, but I won't complain since I know that winter will be here before we know it. In the meantime, please enjoy my latest piece that I affectionately call the "Diving Board Diva".

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The New Studio!

I can not possibly be more excited about my latest apartment fix-it-up project. It has always been my dream to have my own design office in my apartment, and after an excruciatingly long trip to IKEA and a full weekend of painting and construction my dream has come true! I am especially fond of my chalkboard paint wall that I have been thoroughly enjoying since it was finished.

Having this set up has really helped me get the creativity flowing and I should have more posts to share soon. Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Puppies Everywhere

If any of you have checked out my personal portfolio you probably saw these little guys already, but I really wanted to share them on my blog as well since they showcase the less digitized side of my illustrations. It's funny, I find that when I have my best ideas they usually come to me all of a sudden and I have to immediately get started on them or else I will go completely crazy. Such was the case with this simple illustration. I came home from work one day and for some reason prissy daschunds were dancing through my head. I put pen to paper and this puppy pattern was the end result. I want to tweak it a bit more and possibly end up creating a wrapping paper from it once it is ready. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Today the blog has reached 8000 views! Hooray! It has been a pleasure sharing the work that brings me so much joy. I have some big things in the works right now, including the creation of my own new design haven, and I can't wait to share them with you in the near future. See you all again soon!